6 to 8 years
Try new things. Make new friends. Joining 4th Formby Beavers is just the beginning of your big adventure.

Who are the Beavers?
We are the Beavers. During term time, our colony meets every Wednesday from 5.30 to 6.30pm at the the Workshop.
Beavers spend lots of time exploring the great outdoors; maybe hiking in Formby woods in the dark or toasting marshmallows around a campfire. Our leaders keep us safe whilst we hop, skip and run towards new adventures.
Beavers figure the world out by playing and doing. As well as learning new skills, we learn to have the courage to try new things; to stand on our own two feet; and use our initiative.
Beavers also help others. We may help our community, for example, by planting trees or decorating the Church for Harvest, or we may need to help each other!
Our Uniform
Our uniform gives everyone in Scouts a sense of belonging.
Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the group.

Our badges and awards are part of what makes us Scouts. And Scouts love earning them!
There’s never any pressure to do badges. Beavers can do as many or as few as they like. But for those up for a challenge, there are loads of exciting badges to aim for, with the highest award in Beavers being the Chief Scout Bronze Award.

Recent Adventures
This Term’s Programme of Activities
We would love you to join us!