8 to 10.5 years
Develop new skills. Soar to new heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.

Who are Cubs?
We are the 4th Formby Cubs. During term time, we meet every Wednesday from 6.30 to 8.00pm in the Workshop.
Together, our Cub pack goes on adventures; maybe camping under the stars; racing down a river or building a den in the woods.
We learn new skills such as cooking and tying knots. These skills are not always easy so they also help us develop character skills like resilience.
Cubs also help others. We always work as a team and support each other, and we try to help our wider community with important projects, such as litter picking and planting trees.
Our Uniform
Our uniform gives everyone in Scouts a sense of belonging.
Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the group.

Our badges and awards are part of what makes us Scouts. And Scouts love earning them!
There’s never any pressure to do badges. Cubs can do as many or as few as they like. But for those up for a challenge, there are loads of exciting badges to aim for, with the highest award in Cubs being the Chief Scout Silver Award.

Recent Adventures
What Our Cubs Say:
“At Cubs, I enjoy making new friend and seeing my friends from school. I like that we do something different every week so we never get bored. I enjoy all our adventures – camps are the best! I like all the different experiences and getting badges as a reward. I also like that I can always ask questions and the leaders always know the answers!” Tobias, aged 9
This Term’s Programme of Activities
We would love you to join us!