What it Costs
Scouting is an affordable way of providing a range of exciting and adventurous activities for your child. In a 2010 survey, 75% of parents said Scouting provided the best value for money compared to other extra-curricular activities like sports and martial arts groups, youth clubs and drama or music classes.
The fees charged cover the cost of scouting, such as supporting charges for our premises, weekly activities, purchasing equipment, badges & certificates, and so on. It is important to note our membership fee also covers the annual charges made for membership of the Scout Association and the insurance for each member, as well as for support to our County and District. Trips, camps and activities are usually charged separately when not covered as part of the weekly activities, and whilst these costs vary, please be assured we will do everything possible to keep the costs to you as low as possible.
Our Scout group is run by volunteers and is a charitable organisation reliant on our membership charges, donations and fundraising to cover all of our costs. We encourage all parents to help as much as possible with any of our fundraising activities, as this ensures we can maintain the low costs of scouting for all.
It is our policy that no young person should denied access to Scouting due to financial hardship. If you have concerns about finances, including issues with ongoing Direct Debit payments, please make sure you speak to either your child’s leader or the Scout Group Lead, as assistance may be available, or a change to payments may be possible. Any support will be provided in the strictest of confidence.
Subscriptions Charges (Membership Fee)
Our membership fee is £12.50 per month (£11.50 for Beavers), for ten months which equates to annual subscription charge of £125 a year (£115 Beavers). This collected using an online payment system GoCardless and you will receive an email requesting that you set up a Direct Debit Mandate. If you wish to pay the full subscription at the beginning of the year, please contact Clare Bucknell, the Group Treasurer.
There is a joining fee of £10.00. This covers the cost of the Group Necker, a Woggle and the Badges that each new member receives when they are invested.
Replacement Neckers can be supplied, currently at a charge of £6.00. Please speak to a Leader.
Gift Aid
All Scout Group are recognised by HMRC as Charities, so this allows 4th Formby (Holy Trinity) Scouts participate in the Gift Aid Program, so we can claim a boost of 25p per £1 of your child Subscription Fee. So, if you are a UK Taxpayer, please would you complete the Gift Aid declaration in OSM (Online Scout Manager)